Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I didn't really know what a blog was. . .

I really did not know what a blog was until a few weeks ago when my friend Emilie told me to look hers up. I must say, at first I thought wow, how gay, then I started clicking the links and found people from high school, college, etc. So I will join the ranks of a gay blogger and start blogging. (No offense intended) I guess its a good way to keep in touch with my brothers that I talk to about 4 times a year. Trystan just turned two and we couldn't be more happy with her. I am 15 weeks pregnant and very excited to find out what we are having. It is so fun being pregnant and I look forward to gaining 32 pounds and carrying it all around for the next 6 months into the beautiful Las Vegas summer.


Leslie said...

Wow! Congrats! I had no idea, which is probably because I do such a crappy job of keeping up with people. Trystan is so cute. I'm adding you to my list of bloggers that I can stalk online.


erynp said...

Watch out Janae. Leslie's stalker skills are the reason I haven't started blogging yet!